World of Warcraft

We are a semi-casual guild with an AOTC heroic raiding group. We welcome all kinds of players to join us for keystones, normal and heroic raiding, and more.

Progression raiding Wednesday nights from 8pm to 11pm EST.

Currently accepting signups for Season TWO of War Within normal progression.

To see us in action, you can watch us on Twitch, check our progression on Raider.IO, or inspect our raid logs on Warcraft Logs.

Ready for Heroic?

We achieve AOTC each season with players who are heroic-ready. Officers and veteran players will be happy to help normal raiders prep for the heroic requirements.


Knows where to stand, what boss moves look like, etc. Still alive at the end of most fights.


Damaging / healing numbers at least half of the top average. Uses raid cooldowns as discussed.


Keeps a cool head during progression. Constructive feedback given and accepted.


Item level higher than normal raid loot. Completes weekly content and upgrades.


Talented in the right abilities. Aware of best-in-slot trinket and weapon drops from the raid.


Uses weapon buffs, food buffs, flasks, etc. Keeps gems and enchants current.

Progression raiding Wednesday nights from 8pm to 11pm EST.

When we start clearing heroic, players who stay in normal switch to a different night of the week. Heroic raiders are welcome to bring an alt to the dedicated normal raid night.

Use this form to add your name to the raid roster. If you sign up for heroic, an officer will confirm performance before approving your application. All players are welcome to join us in normal.

The raid roster is read only. Use the form to add your name.

Signup Form